You Can Be “Old”(er) Without Being Ancient

Software Development Journeys Taken

Remember when computers lived in a big air-conditioned room all by themselves and the only connection to them was via a computer terminal sitting on each office worker’s desk? You probably don’t, but I do, and that doesn’t make me “ancient”. It gives me a perspective on how advancements in technology have made all of our lives easier (admittedly in some cases it’s more complex).

Although I remember the good old days of the mainframe computer I revel in today’s modern technology where most of us carry a device in our pocket (or purse) that has more computing power than the mini computers that used to sit in a dedicated room all by themselves.

One thing that hasn’t changed when it comes to computer technology is that to make computing valuable still takes software to run it.  Software development is still necessary today and the development mode and technology makes development somewhat easier. In addition to simple “code editors” we now have “studios” that connect the development environment for seamless design, coding, data sourcing, testing, and implementation.

The term full stack in use today to describes the ability of a developer to integrate back-end software to a data source and present information to a front-end user is not a new concept to old school software developers. Back in the day all of us developed using the full-stack and had to know best practice optimizations for database design, data retrieval, and data presentation. The studio tools today make it easier than ever from a developers point of view.

Today is a great time to not be silo-ed into a narrow range of technological knowledge. The challenge of understanding business data, how it’s stored, and determining the best way of presenting it in a way that turns data to knowledge, knowledge to information, information to insight, insight to solutions is a great journey. I have found that this process and methodology is transferable to other areas of business such as Marketing.

Translation To Marketing

Defining business objectives, marketing objectives, and a strategy to accomplish both; then devising the metrics (KPI) to measure the effectiveness of the chosen marketing strategy is a process that I find fascinating! My familiarity with technology, and experience past and present helps me as a developer and as a marketer. This post is just an introduction to why I am excited to embrace new challenges, and how all of my experience enhances my endeavors to provide software development as well as marketing expertise, depending on which is needed, to help make your business grow should you wish to hire me.

Feel free to contact me regarding future ways we can work together.